The Greatest

Posted: August 26, 2010 in Expectations
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Often times, the world gets to see outstanding sportsmen and women,

The Usain Bolts, Michael Jordans, Florence Griffith-Joyners,

I’m a football man myself but i have always been fascinated by Mohammed Ali,

He talked a good game and was always ready and able to back it up with;

Talent, Hard work and Dedication,

I talk a lot and have often been told its a bad thing,

Ali talked a fair game and a whole lot,

Watching him has got me thinking that maybe talking too much isn’t such a bad thing,

“Move like a butterfly, Sting like a bee”;

“I am the greatest, I said it before I knew I was”;

He’s got me thinking I could be the greatest too, What a guy!

I’m inspired by his showmanship and wit, humility and humor,

but the greatest inspiration of all was his answer when asked;

“What about your Parkinson’s? Was it caused by too many blows to the head?”

Calm as ever with his wit about him, he replied;

“God did this to remind me that He is number one”

And now I know that for all my gifts and talents, hard work and dedication,

If I do not acknowledge God and trust in Him to direct my path,

All I’m doing will be in futility.

I believe in a God who has given me talents and as such, much is expected,

There will be ups and downs in Life.

Remember Ali’s words,

“God did this to remind me that He is number one”

These words touched me most of all because,

He – My Saviour – is THE GREATEST!

Proverbs 3:5-6

  1. jhola says:


  2. opeyemi says:

    Yea…. U talk tooooo much and get violent while talking not physically though!!!

  3. Yanju says:

    i must say…this is some real stuff!! first blog ever i sat down to read apart from mine…. inspirational and intellectual!!! keep doin ur tin and see ya at the top bro!!

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